Welcome to Gjovaag.com, the new web home of the Gjovaag family.

I'll be adding new sites as they are moved from their old homes to here.

Non-Gjovaag.com websites run by Gjovaag family members:

Family members: if you would like an e-mail address in the gjovaag.com domain, please write to admin at this domain and ask about it. I can set up a forwarding e-mail quickly and for free (i.e. yourname@gjovaag.com forwards to your current mail account). If you want a mailbox with POP3 and webmail access, or webspace, we can talk.

If you want to help this site exist, please consider a donation:
Donate towards my web hosting bill!
Note: All donations made through this link go directly
to the hosting company to pay for the site.